Thursday, December 26, 2013

Season for Caring: Help with eye care on the way for Ana Rangel

Read this amazing story we found:

As Ana Rangel’s glaucoma and eye surgeries led to severe nausea, extreme headaches and shooting pain throughout her body, her children, Juan Felipe, 6, and Elizabeth, 3, grew scared. “Are you OK, Mom?” Juan Felipe repeatedly asked as he saw his mother deal with pain that prevented her from eating, sleeping or standing.
Rangel, 32, who has visual impairment in one eye and recently had surgery on the other, would try to console her children, though she says she didn’t know whether she’d live through another day.
The Rangel family is part of the Austin American-Statesman’s Season for Caring campaign, which helps 12 featured families and hundreds of other families through local nonprofit agencies. The Rangel family was nominated by the Austin Children’s Shelter as part of the shelter’s Strong Start family support program for parents of children ages 5 and younger who are experiencing extraordinary stress.
Juan Felipe loves for his mom to read to him. “Mom, what does it say here?” he asked during a painful period in Rangel’s illness. As much as Rangel wanted to help her son read, she couldn’t see the letters. Straining her eyes would unleash so much pain that instead Rangel would ask Juan Felipe to spell out the word and she’d help him put words together.
One of Rangel’s Season for Caring wishes was to get a second opinion on her eyes. Dr. Russell Hayhurst of the Glaucoma Institute of Austin has agreed to examine Rangel in January to see what her needs are.
Rangel’s husband, Domingo Martinez, 40, works in Miami to help support his family, but the medical bills keep mounting, and the distance weighs on them. Juan Felipe and Elizabeth miss their family time.
Juan Felipe loves learning, and he rattles off answers to his teacher’s questions so fast that he often forgets to raise his hand. He’s fascinated by building things and can spend hours playing with Legos.
It’s Elizabeth who is the family princess, though. “What’s your favorite color?” Rangel asks. “Pink!” No one can keep up with her imagination. She sings, plays dress-up and re-creates Mass for her little friends.
Rangel dreams that someday her children will go to college, but she worries that the family’s growing debt will haunt them forever. Assistance with paying down the $25,000 in medical expenses, gift cards for grocery and clothing stores, a computer for the children and money for Martinez to get certified as a mechanic or electrician would help lift the family.

Misconceptions About Eye Care

Just like other areas of medical practice, misconceptions and myths about vision are important to understand.  Knowledge is power when it comes to eye care.  We are an optometrist clinic in Torrance, Advanced Eyecare Center, and we know firsthand how confusing the myths about eye care can be.  This is why we set out to expose these misconceptions in our latest blog post.  To read the full version please visit:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ada Lions establish permanent eye care clinic in Guatemala

Read this interesting article we found: 

Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala — The Ada Lions Club has gone international. In November, the club began its own permanent Eye Clinic in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala, a city with a population of 40,000, primarily Mayan Indians.
Dr. John Garber; president Bronson Warren; Jim Speed, CPA and Mary Garber, CPA, are spearheading the project. Garber recently returned from the city where the Catholic Church of Satiago had dedicated a room in the Saint James Rectory to establish the Eye Clinic. With state-of-the-art equipment, exact prescriptions, and the help of the Mayan people; the Ada Lions Club is dramatically raising the bar for quality eye care. 
In two days, 105 people were examined and prescribed glasses that will be sponsored by many of the generous citizens of Ada. When the five-person Lion’s Club team returns in January, they will dispense the glasses, then perform 200 more eye exams the following two days. The club’s goal is to provide four clinics a year.
Garber stayed on the Church grounds in a room two doors down from where Father Stanley Rother, from Okemah, was assassinated in 1981 during the Guatemalan Civil War. The room has now been turned into chapel, and a sign beneath the brownish-red stains on the wall identifies them as the blood of Father Rother. 
Garber said this was an incident that took place more than 30 years ago and that Santiago is now a vibrant city of thousands of entrepreneurs, ongoing religious worship and wonderful people.
Garber said he believes that even though the Mayan people are very poor, Benjamin Franklin might have considered them wealthy. Franklin said, “Content makes poor men rich.” The Ada Lions Club plans to alter that wise statement just a little: “Content and 20/20 makes poor men rich.”
- See more at:

Monday, December 9, 2013

Eye Health: Books blurry? Trouble threading a needle? Happens to everyone over age 40

Read this article we found:

Are books looking blurry? How about computer screens? The issue could be more than just needing a good night’s rest.
Presbyopia usually occurs beginning at around age 40, when people experience blurred near vision when reading, sewing or working at the computer.
Even if you’ve never had vision problems, you can’t escape presbyopia. It’s caused by an age-related process: the gradual thickening and loss of flexibility of the natural lens inside your eye.
With less elasticity, the eye has a harder time focusing up close. 

When people develop presbyopia, they often need to hold reading materials at arm’s length in order to focus properly. When they perform near work, such as handwriting or embroidery, they may develop headaches, eye strain or feel fatigued.

It’s interesting to note that women often need correction for presbyopia earlier than men. It’s believed this is because women’s arms are usually shorter than men’s, so when it becomes difficult for them to read at arm’s length, women must turn to presbyopia correction sooner.

Eyeglasses with bifocal or progressive addition lenses are the most common ways to correct presbyopia. Reading glasses are another choice.
Unlike bifocals and PALs, which most people wear all day, reading glasses typically are worn just during close work. If you wear contact lenses, your eye doctor can prescribe reading glasses that you wear while your contacts are in.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Geographical differences found in causes of blindness worldwide

Read this article we found: 

A new study has revealed that the proportion of vision impairment and blindness worldwide that is caused by cataract and macular degeneration varies geographically. The findings are published in The Lancet Global Health.
The team of researchers, led by Rupert Bourne of the Vision and Eye Research Unit at Anglia Ruskin University, say their study is the largest ever analysis of worldwide vision impairment and blindness.
To reach their findings, they analyzed geographical trends of the disabling conditions between 1990 and 2010, alongside their main causes.
The investigators used published and unpublished data to reach their findings, and say they defined blindness as "visual acuity in the better eye less than 3/60" and moderate and severe vision impairment (MSVI) as "visual acuity in the better eye less than 6/18 but at least 3/60."
The investigators looked specifically at cataractglaucoma,macular degenerationdiabetic retinopathy, trachoma and uncorrected refractive error, and estimated how these conditions contributed to visual impairments in proportion to age, geographical region and year.

Eye Color

Many people believe that eye color is determined by genetics.  This is true, however there are other things that factor into the color of one's eyes.  Your eye color is unique to you, just like your personality.  Melanin pigment determines eye color just like your hair and your skin.  Darker eye color has more melanin pigment than a lighter eye color.  So, if you have blue eyes your eyes have less melanin pigment than someone with dark brown eyes.

For more information please visit this optometrist in Redondo Beach's blog.

Monday, December 2, 2013

How to Attract Men: Tips on What Men Want Book Review

Th new Ebook on Amazon: How to Attract Men: Tips on What Men Want is one I just got done reading

how to attrac men

How to Attract Men: Tips on What Men Want Book Review

Th new Ebook on Amazon: How to Attract Men: Tips on What Men Want is one I just got done reading

In case the video in this article is not working, please make sure to follow the link.

Added reading

Thursday, November 28, 2013

How to Read Body Language Book

This book on how to read body language on Amazon is a great and simple read. Check out the link here:

If you want to sharper your skills on how to read body language I highly recommend reading this book.

Tags: hwo to read body language, how to read body language book

how to read body language

Related hyperlink;

How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally Book

How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally Book review--Are you looking to lose belly fat? Look no further. This new book on Amazon gives great advice on losing belly fat the healthy way (

With so many crash and fad diets out there, how do you know what will work? Luckily, this book is full of useful information that will help you create the best diet plan uniquely tailored to your needs.

tags - lose belly fat, lose weight, how to lose belly fat, how to lose weight, lose fat naturally, how to lose belly fat naturally

How to Attract Men Book Review

On Amazon I foudn the How to attract men: Tips on what men want book here: And I must say it was really cool to learn the psychology of how men and women think.

Plus learning about how to attract the right kind of man and how to treat him so he stays around was eye opening for me because it is very simple yet very overlooked the advice that this book gives.

Overall thumbs up!

how to attract men book

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Genetics of Eye Color

Check out this article we found:


How do children inherit eye color? Can a child's eye color be predicted? Why are an albino's eyes pink? How can two brown eyed parents produce a blue eyed child? Why are my eyes a darker blue than my sibling's? How are the colors in the iris formed? These are questions one may have wondered from time to time. The answer to all of these question lies in the genes inherited from a one's parents.


Different eye colors are produced because of the different amounts and patterns of pigment in the iris. The amount of pigment and the pattern of the pigment is determined by a person's genetic makeup. The DNA received from one's parents determines what color eyes they will have.
Each human has 46 chromosomes located in the nucleus of the cell. These are divided into 23 pairs of chromosomes. A baby inherits one chromosome from each parent in each pair of chromosomes. A piece of DNA on a chromosome is called a gene. Genes are the basic unit of heredity, they determine many characteristics about a baby. Genes also come in pairs. Alleles are found in genes and determine the appearance of any characteristic. There are two alleles for each trait inherited. If the two alleles are the same then they are homozygous for that gene. If the alleles are different, then they are called heterozygous. One allele is expressed over the other allele. This is called the dominant allele, the unexpressed allele is called recessive. For example, if there was a brown allele and a blue allele, the brown is dominant, so the person would have brown eyes. But not just one pair of genes can control a single trait. Right now there are three known gene pairs that control eye color. The bey 2 gene on chromosome 15 contains a brown and blue allele. Also on chromosome 15, the bey 1 gene is the central brown gene. On chromosome pair 19 the gey gene contains a green allele and a blue allele.
A green allele is dominant over a blue allele, and a brown allele is dominant over both green and blue alleles. For the bey 2 gene if a person has a brown allele then they will have brown eyes. In the gey gene the green allele is dominant over the blue allele, but it is still recessive next to a brown allele. For example if a person has a brown allele on chromosome 15, but all the other alleles are blue or green, they will have brown eyes. A green eyed person would have a green allele on chromosome 19 and all or some other blue alleles. Blue eyes are produced only with two blue eye genes. All four alleles must be blue to produce a blue eyed person.
Another way of predicting the color of a child's eyes is to use the parent's eye color genes. If both parents have a blue and brown gene, their eyes are brown, but if the child inherits the blue gene from each parent then the child will have blue eyes. If the child only inherits one blue gene then they will have brown eyes. The genetics determine what color a child will have, but how exactly does this color form in the eye?
Melanin, a pigment also found in the skin, is the substance that produces the eye colors specified by the genes. The amount and placement of the melanin produces the different eye colors that we see. Melanin is a dark brown pigment that is placed in the iris. The more melanin used in the iris means the darker the eye color will appear, the less melanin used means that the eye color will be lighter. The genes tell the enzymes how much melanin to deposit in the iris. A newborn's eyes appear blue, but may darken over the next few years. Melanin production has not begun at the time of birth. A child's true eye color cannot be determined until the age of three.
There are two layers to the iris, the anterior and the external, or front and back layers. To produce blue eyes, there is no pigment found in the front layer. The brown pigment melanin is deposited in the back layer only. It appears blue because of reflection and diffraction of light. In green eyes, a small amount of melanin is deposited in the front layer of the iris along with the melanin found in the back layer. The additional pigment to the amount needed for blue eyes, causes the eye to appear green. To produce gray eyes, the dark pigment is distributed in the front layer of the iris and over the blue background it appears gray. In brown eyes there is so much pigment in the front layer, that the blue behind is completely covered up. Some people have so much pigment in the front layer that their eyes appear very dark brown or black. Hazel, blue-green, gray-blue eye colors are produced by different amounts of pigmentation and the pattern in which the pigment is placed. Albino eyes are have no pigment at all in either layer of the iris. The iris appears pink or red because of the reflection of blood vessels in the back of the eye. The pattern in which the pigment is deposited is also determined by genetics. The pigment may be deposited in rings, clouds, radial stripes, or spread over the entire iris.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

What do Dreams Mean? Dream Book

What do dreams mean- A Dream Book on How to Interpret Dreams book review--Dreams are the only way that your subconscious communicates. When you go to sleep your brain awakens. This book called, "What do Dreams Mean," ( gives numerous examples of dream sequences that could mean something.

There are chapters on dream symbols, the history of dream interpretation, etc.

This book is a must read if you are looking to understand your dreams.

tags - dream interpretations, what do dreams mean, dream symbols, dreams, how to interpret dreams, dream book, how to interpret dreams

dream book

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How to Play Poker -for Beginners

Book review: How to play poker by Troy Smith--Poker can be a confusing game if you have never played it. It isn't easily taught, and can be tricky. This book called, "How to Play Poker," gives simple instructions on how to play a successful game

"How to Play Poker," covers everything from the suits of the cards to winning the most money.

tags - poker, playing poker, how to play poker, poker instructions, winning at poker

poker for beginners

How to Plan a Wedding

How to Plan a Wedding Book Review: This informative book will give you advice on all aspects of the wedding planning process (

Decisions like budget, the wedding venue, vows, the wedding ring, flowers, etc. can be difficult to make. An engaged couple should discuss options together and then choose which option is best for them. There are many chapters in this book, "How to Plan a Wedding," that focus on specific decisions that need to be made. The information given can be used to guide you through your wedding planning process from beginning to end.

tags - wedding planning, planning a wedding, wedding plans, how to plan a wedding, the wedding planning process

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Read this article we found about Glaucoma:

Glaucoma is a term describing a group of ocular disorders with multi-factorial etiology united by a clinically characteristic intraocular pressure-associated optic neuropathy.[1] This can permanently damage vision in the affected eye(s) and lead to blindness if left untreated. It is normally associated with increased fluid pressure in the eye (aqueous humour).[2] The term "ocular hypertension" is used for people with consistently raised intraocular pressure (IOP) without any associated optic nerve damage. Conversely, the term 'normal tension' or 'low tension' glaucoma is used for those with optic nerve damage and associated visual field loss, but normal or low IOP.
The nerve damage involves loss of retinal ganglion cells in a characteristic pattern. The many different subtypes of glaucoma can all be considered to be a type of optic neuropathy. Raised intraocular pressure (above 21 mmHg or 2.8 kPa) is the most important and only modifiable risk factor for glaucoma. However, some may have high eye pressure for years and never develop damage, while others can develop nerve damage at a relatively low pressure. Untreated glaucoma can lead to permanent damage of the optic nerve and resultant visual field loss, which over time can progress to blindness.
Glaucoma can be roughly divided into two main categories, "open-angle" and "closed-angle" (or "angle closure") glaucoma. The angle refers to the area between the iris and cornea, through which fluid must flow to escape via the trabecular meshwork. Closed-angle glaucoma can appear suddenly and is often painful; visual loss can progress quickly, but the discomfort often leads patients to seek medical attention before permanent damage occurs. Open-angle, chronic glaucoma tends to progress at a slower rate and patients may not notice they have lost vision until the disease has progressed significantly.
Glaucoma has been called the "silent thief of sight" because the loss of vision often occurs gradually over a long period of time, and symptoms only occur when the disease is quite advanced. Once lost, vision cannot normally be recovered, so treatment is aimed at preventing further loss. Worldwide, glaucoma is the second-leading cause of blindness after cataracts.[3][4] It is also the leading cause of blindness among African Americans.[5] Glaucoma affects one in 200 people aged 50 and younger, and one in 10 over the age of eighty. If the condition is detected early enough, it is possible to arrest the development or slow the progression with medical and surgical means.
The word "glaucoma" comes from the Greek γλαύκωμα, "opacity of the crystalline lens". (Cataracts and glaucoma were not distinguished until circa 1705)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Understanding Vision Problems

Read this interesting article we found:

Below are common symptoms associated with each eye problem.
Nearsightedness: Blurred vision that's worse when you are looking at distant objects suggests that you may be nearsighted, or myopic. People with myopia often have very good near vision.
Astigmatism: Blurry vision can occur at any distance and usually coincides with discovery of other vision problems.Farsightedness: Blurred vision that's present when you are looking at near objects or, more commonly, near and far objects indicates that you may be farsighted, or hyperopic.
Retinal detachment: An abrupt onset of flashing lights, often in combination with black floating spots in your vision, possibly combined with the sensation of a dark curtain or veil blocking a portion of your vision, suggests retinal detachment. Cover each eye separately and compare the sight in each eye.
Color blindness: Difficulty distinguishing shades or intensity of color may suggest a color perception problem. Color vision defects are usually not known to the patient until discovered on testing, and it is mainly a condition of males. If present in a female it may represent ocular disease and an eye doctor should be consulted.
Night blindness: Difficulty distinguishing objects in dim light is a sign of possible night blindness.
Cataracts: Because cataract development is usually a gradual process, your first symptom may be trouble passing the vision test when renewing your driver's license, or it may be identified during a routine eye exam. Common symptoms include:
  • Hazy vision that might be worse in bright light
  • Weaker vision at night; difficulty in discerning movements, details, or objects (especially street signs)
  • Blinding or uncomfortable glare from automobile headlights or bright sunlight
  • A need for brighter light for reading
  • Colors appearing faded or yellowed
  • Unexpected improvement in near vision as distance vision worsens (cataracts alter the focusing power of the lens)
  • Double or triple vision (overlapping images) in one eye only
  • A milky white or opaque appearance to the normally dark pupil (advanced case)
  • Painful inflammation and pressure within the eye (very advanced case)

Presbyopia Explained

Some people who are over the age of 40 have difficulty reading their favorite books or newspapers. In some cases this is just a sign of aging among many other changes in the body of time. In other cases, it could be a symptom of Presbyopia. Consistent eye exams can help to avoid this type of condition, or treat it. Presbyopia is not a serious condition, however it does need to be treated.

 Read the rest of this post on this Torrance Optometrist's blog.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Dry Eyes and Contact Lenses

Most people that experience dry eyes stay clear of contact lenses because of discomfort.  Luckily, eye clinics can offer many different options for people with this condition   Dry eyes are caused by many things, but some include outdoor weather, windy climate, old, age, or computer vision.  Contact lenses that are recommended for dry eyes are engineered to be comfortable and easy to wear.  

Contact our Manhattan Beach Optometry Center today.

Importance of Eye Care

Read this article we found about Eye Care:

Eyes are the most wonderful creation of God and therefore are to be taken care of at all times. This is an extremely beautiful gift and should never be taken for granted. Whether or not you have any vision related problem, eye care should remain an important part of everyone's life.
Many people suffer from eye diseases which have been getting quite common in today's world. Some are viral while some may have other reasons for developing them. It is not true that eye diseases cannot be prevented. They can surely be treated but they can also be prevented. Hygiene is the most important thing to consider when it comes to eye care. The eyes should stay clean at all times and one should avoid touching them with hands because eyes can sometimes be very sensitive to the germs we have on our hands at all times. And if you are a woman, make sure your eyes are free from make up when you go to bed. It is a lot better to rinse your eyes and remove all make up such as mascara instead of just sleeping like that.
Because eye treatment can be very expensive and can cost a person a lot of money, it is important to take notice of your health so you can prevent some of the eye diseases and even slow down their progress if you have already got one. For this purpose, you should increase your intake of vitamins such as vitamin A, E and C. Zinc and Selenium can also do the job rightly. Eye diseases can also be a result of some other disease. People with other problems such as obesity, diabetes et cetera should have regular checkups for their eyes and should immediately go to see a doctor if they feel anything unusual in their eyes. Most of the eye problems are also a result of exposure to certain types of light or direct sunlight. You should always wear sunglasses when going out in the sun; just like the sun can harm your skin it can likewise harm your eyes which are way more sensitive than the skin. The exposure to light also includes frequent watching of the TV or sitting in front of the computer screens. If you are someone who cannot avoid using the computer, probably because of some work or something, then you can try other methods of eye care. Try sitting away from the computer or laptop screen and there is a certain distance which you should keep. Protective shields are also available for the computer screens which can be very useful in filtering direct light from the computer screens.
People with frequent problems such as infections should keep eye care as their priority. Eye infections can be caused by bacteria, germs on the hands or even fungal elements which cannot be seen. Viral infections are also threatening and should be treated immediately with care. Eye infections can occur in both the eyes; left and right. They also affect people from all age groups and their symptoms will vary. You will know you have an infection when your eyes feel watery, itchy and irritable. If the problem is not treated it can also affect the vision on a temporary basis and will cause redness and swelling around the eyes. vision1!